Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Comparison of Idealism and Realism

In the varied fields of epistemology, metaphysics and evolution, idealism and realism present two almost completely differing theories. They differ in the following respects:
1. Difference in epistemology. Idealism and realism differ in the following respects on the various questions of epistemology:
(i) According to idealism objects have no existence apart from their ideas, while according to realism, objects have an existence independent of any knowledge of them.
(ii) Idealism maintains that qualities are imposed on the object by the mind while realism holds that qualities are a part of the object.
(iii) The idealistic tenet is mat knowledge influences the object and its qualities while the realist theory is that objects cannot be affected in this way.
(iv) According to idealism objects are known indirectly through the medium of their ideas but realism holds that objects are known directly.
(v) In idealism it is believed that different objects appear differently to different people but in realism it is believed that objects are universal.
2. According to idealism objects are not what they appear to be since their knowledge is indirect but realism maintains that objects are precisely what they appear to be.
(i) According to idealism objects have no existence apart from their ideas, while according to realism, objects have an existence independent of any knowledge of them.
(ii) Idealism maintains that qualities are imposed on the object by the mind while realism holds that qualities are a part of the object.
(iii) The idealistic tenet is mat knowledge influences the object and its qualities while the realist theory is that objects cannot be affected in this way.
(iv) According to idealism objects are known indirectly through the medium of their ideas but realism holds that objects are known directly.
(v) In idealism it is believed that different objects appear differently to different people but in realism it is believed that objects are universal.
3. According to idealism objects are not what they appear to be since their knowledge is indirect but realism maintains that objects are precisely what they appear to be.
(i) According to idealism objects have no existence apart from their ideas, while according to realism, objects have an existence independent of any knowledge of them.
(ii) Idealism maintains that qualities are imposed on the object by the mind while realism holds that qualities are a part of the object.
(iii) The idealistic tenet is mat knowledge influences the object and its qualities while the realist theory is that objects cannot be affected in this way.
(iv) According to idealism objects are known indirectly through the medium of their ideas but realism holds that objects are known directly.
(v) In idealism it is believed that different objects appear differently to different people but in realism it is believed that objects are universal.
(vi) According to idealism objects are not what they appear to be since their knowledge is indirect but realism maintains that objects are precisely what they appear to be.
4. Metaphysical Differences. From the metaphysical standpoint realism and idealism differ in the following respects:
(i) According to the idealists the universe exists within the mind while the realists are of the opinion that the natural world is independent of the mind.
(ii) The idealists believe in some kind of synthesis between man and nature while the realists deny the existence of any such synthesis.
(iii) Idealism states that man is the centre of the universe while realism does not attach the same importance to man with reference to universe.
(iv) Idealists are idealistic while the realists are realistic.
5. Difference on cosmology. Realism and idealism differ in the following respects on questions regarding cosmology:
(i) According to idealism the mechanistic explanation of the universe is not adequate while realists propound this mechanistic explanation.
(ii) Idealism holds that creation of the universe is teleological while the realists do not believe in there being any purpose in creation.
(iii) In explaining creation the idealists lay the stress on normative and social sciences while the realists rely more heavily on the natural sciences in their explanation of creation.
(iv) Idealism puts forth a value judgment of the creation while realism is more factual in this analysis.
(v) According to the idealists the world is known through the mind while realists do not attach so much importance to the mind in understanding the universe.
(vi) Idealism stresses the mental and spiritual in its explanation of the world and realism the material and physical.
From the above analysis of idealism and realism it should be fairly obvious that the two theories are almost contradictory and mutually exclusive. In evaluating the two it must be said that idealism seems more appropriate for understanding the values of human life, which is, in fact, the aim of all our knowledge and science. A more comprehensive standpoint, on the other hand, will make it clear that both idealism and realism view the universe from different standpoint, and hence the difference in their respective metaphysics, epistemology and cosmology. To a liberal, dynamic philosopher with broad vision the two will appear to be complementary. In their respective ways both show glimpses of truth and according to one's standpoint one may be as satisfied with one as one may be with the other. It depends on one's mental make-up as to which will appeal to one. Nevertheless, it must be said that idealism, on the whole, is a philosophy that is more mature, refined, optimistic, comprehensive and it elevates the lot of mankind. Nothing can be gained denigrating realism but there can be no denying superiority of idealism.

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