Saturday, 7 July 2018

Maslow's Theory

Maslow, a humanist, has developed a hierarchy of human needs. The needs are arranged
hierarchically in order of importance as:
i) Psychological needs - Necessary to maintain life - Such as need of food, water,
oxygen etc.
ii) Safety needs - Needs to protect oneself or avoid danger
iii) Love and belonging needs - To have a loving relationship with people and to
have a place in society
iv) Esteem needs - Needs to be recognized as a worthwhile persori
V) Self-actualization needs - To develop into a best person in accordarlae ~ith
one's fullest potential
vi) Knowing and understanding - Evident in persons with high intelligence who have
a desire to learn and organize intellectuai relationships.
Thhe needs have definite implications for teaching-learning. For example, if a child's
basic needs of love and belonging are not fulfilled, it will not be interested in acquiring
knowledge of the world. Maslow's theory has implication for classroom teachin-g and
these are based to some extent on the ideas of Pestalozzi and Froebel who gave
importance to human emotions. Maslow is the pioneer of humanistic .~s -v chologv -<
considering the experience of the child as i) Fundamental to learning, ii) Emphasizing
human qualities like creativity, values and iii) Giving importance to the dig- nit-y and
work of the individual and focus on the psychological development and human potential
of the learners.
The teachers and curriculum framers should view the learner as a whole person and
learning as a life long process.
There cannot be a generally prescribed humanistic curriculum. Humanistic learning
may enhance the mental health of learners, harmonize personal feelin-g among- students
and teachers, and improve various aspects of human awareness among students,
teachers and cumculum specialist, yet its process is relief mainly on personal experiences
and subject interpretations that leave them open to criticisms, Therefore there is a
great need to understand what is relevant in humanistic curricula.

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The word philosophy is derived from the Greek words philia (Loving) and sophia (Wisdom) and means" the love of wisdom".Philosophy...