Decision-making is a part of human life. It takes place in all kinds of activities a human
being undertakes and in all kinds of situations he/she is associated with. Decisions are
made in the family, in the religious places, in the govemerments, in the village panchaiat,
in businees, in hospitals and in educational institutions like schools, colleges, and
universities. We discuss a few functional areas of a school where decisions are taken.
These are discussed in the following paragraphs.
curriculum Planning and transaction
Curriculum planning involves decisions pertaining to what to teach and how to teach.
What to teach is associated with what contents are to be selected to be taught to students.
While deciding the contents, decisions regarding goals and objectives of the cod
curriculum, the nature and need of the learners, the nature of the subject of study or
discipline are to be made. How to teach involves the process of transacting the cuniculum,
which includes planning and delivery of classroom instruction. Planning for classroom
instruction includes deciding about instructional objectives to be achieved, the amount
and the nature of content to be covered, the kinds of audio-visual aids to be used, class
size, nature of the learners, kinds of questions to be asked, kinds of interactional modes
to be adopted, and the feedback mechanisms to be used etc. Decisions pertaining to
delivery of classroom instruction involves introduction to the topic, explaining the content
matter, citing examples, providing analogies and illustrations, using questions using
various teaching-learning media, summing up etc. Cuniculum lransaction also includes
providing students a variety of learning experiences outside thi: classroom during games,
sports, field visit, study tour, participation in community activities etc. In both planning
and transaction of curriculum, teacher has to make decisions.
Management of Resources
Gone are the days when educational institutions were having text-books, a blackboard,
and a classroom of students. Now a teacher finds a plethora of instructional resources
or instructional media at hidher disposal. There resources include several projected and
non-projected media, computer and emerging technologies. These resources range from
radio, television, OHP to computers, internet, email and teleconferencing. A teacher has to make a judicious decision to select the right kind of media.Apart from deciding about the learning resources, decisions are to be made by the head of the school regarding different material resources like use of
school building for various purposes, use of school furniture, use of school premises,
school playground and other infrastructure of the school.
The third component of school resources constitutes financial resources. Decisions related
to financial resources concern with income and expenditures of a school. The major
headings of income of a school are student fees, government grants, donationlgifts,
sponsorship, PTA support and activities done by students. The items of expenditure are
salary to teachers and supportive staff, conduct of examination, construction and repair
of school infrastructure, equipments purchase and maintenance, teaching aids purchase
of stationery, books for library, purchase of computers, advertising, health check-up,
organization of extra-curricular activities, paying electricity bills, telephone bill, taxes,
etc. The head teacher and the teachers of the school take part in decision-making
pertaining to all aspects of financial resources.
School resources also includes the human resources of the school. There are mainly the
teachers, the students, and the support staff. Engagement of human resources optimally
and effectively requires a lot of decisions, which need to be made by the school
Classroom Management
A teacher while transacting learning experiences has to encounter a number of situations
when he/she has to make decisions. These situations may pertain to classroom
indiscipline, classroom fairness, freedom of the children, rewarding good performance
of students, providing corrective measures to undesirable performance of students,
understanding of classroom dynamics, etc.
Management of Co-curricular Activities
Apart from classroom instruction, a teacher as well as the head teacher of school have
to make decisions regarding different kinds of co-curricular activities. Decisions are
made regarding suitability of different co-curricular activi~lsi ke debates, elocution
contests, quiz, dramatics, dance, music, study tour, community work, health campaign
etc. A teacher makes decisions about identification of talent among students, organization
of different co-curricular activities in advance, organization of educational tours,
exhibition, field trips etc. organization of marring assemblies, organization of sports,
games etc.
Management of Examinations
Conducting examination is an important activity of school.Before an examination is conducted,the authorities have to make number of decisions. These decisions are related to the dates, place and time of examination. The decisions regarding paper-setter,
examination and evaluators have to made. The procedures of preparing a question paper
are also to be decided. The number of invigilators, the logistics in the examination hall
are also to be decided. After the examinations are over, student answer books are to be
evaluated and student results are to be reported to different beneficiaries like students,
parents and others.
being undertakes and in all kinds of situations he/she is associated with. Decisions are
made in the family, in the religious places, in the govemerments, in the village panchaiat,
in businees, in hospitals and in educational institutions like schools, colleges, and
universities. We discuss a few functional areas of a school where decisions are taken.
These are discussed in the following paragraphs.
curriculum Planning and transaction
Curriculum planning involves decisions pertaining to what to teach and how to teach.
What to teach is associated with what contents are to be selected to be taught to students.
While deciding the contents, decisions regarding goals and objectives of the cod
curriculum, the nature and need of the learners, the nature of the subject of study or
discipline are to be made. How to teach involves the process of transacting the cuniculum,
which includes planning and delivery of classroom instruction. Planning for classroom
instruction includes deciding about instructional objectives to be achieved, the amount
and the nature of content to be covered, the kinds of audio-visual aids to be used, class
size, nature of the learners, kinds of questions to be asked, kinds of interactional modes
to be adopted, and the feedback mechanisms to be used etc. Decisions pertaining to
delivery of classroom instruction involves introduction to the topic, explaining the content
matter, citing examples, providing analogies and illustrations, using questions using
various teaching-learning media, summing up etc. Cuniculum lransaction also includes
providing students a variety of learning experiences outside thi: classroom during games,
sports, field visit, study tour, participation in community activities etc. In both planning
and transaction of curriculum, teacher has to make decisions.
Management of Resources
Gone are the days when educational institutions were having text-books, a blackboard,
and a classroom of students. Now a teacher finds a plethora of instructional resources
or instructional media at hidher disposal. There resources include several projected and
non-projected media, computer and emerging technologies. These resources range from
radio, television, OHP to computers, internet, email and teleconferencing. A teacher has to make a judicious decision to select the right kind of media.Apart from deciding about the learning resources, decisions are to be made by the head of the school regarding different material resources like use of
school building for various purposes, use of school furniture, use of school premises,
school playground and other infrastructure of the school.
The third component of school resources constitutes financial resources. Decisions related
to financial resources concern with income and expenditures of a school. The major
headings of income of a school are student fees, government grants, donationlgifts,
sponsorship, PTA support and activities done by students. The items of expenditure are
salary to teachers and supportive staff, conduct of examination, construction and repair
of school infrastructure, equipments purchase and maintenance, teaching aids purchase
of stationery, books for library, purchase of computers, advertising, health check-up,
organization of extra-curricular activities, paying electricity bills, telephone bill, taxes,
etc. The head teacher and the teachers of the school take part in decision-making
pertaining to all aspects of financial resources.
School resources also includes the human resources of the school. There are mainly the
teachers, the students, and the support staff. Engagement of human resources optimally
and effectively requires a lot of decisions, which need to be made by the school
Classroom Management
A teacher while transacting learning experiences has to encounter a number of situations
when he/she has to make decisions. These situations may pertain to classroom
indiscipline, classroom fairness, freedom of the children, rewarding good performance
of students, providing corrective measures to undesirable performance of students,
understanding of classroom dynamics, etc.
Management of Co-curricular Activities
Apart from classroom instruction, a teacher as well as the head teacher of school have
to make decisions regarding different kinds of co-curricular activities. Decisions are
made regarding suitability of different co-curricular activi~lsi ke debates, elocution
contests, quiz, dramatics, dance, music, study tour, community work, health campaign
etc. A teacher makes decisions about identification of talent among students, organization
of different co-curricular activities in advance, organization of educational tours,
exhibition, field trips etc. organization of marring assemblies, organization of sports,
games etc.
Management of Examinations
Conducting examination is an important activity of school.Before an examination is conducted,the authorities have to make number of decisions. These decisions are related to the dates, place and time of examination. The decisions regarding paper-setter,
examination and evaluators have to made. The procedures of preparing a question paper
are also to be decided. The number of invigilators, the logistics in the examination hall
are also to be decided. After the examinations are over, student answer books are to be
evaluated and student results are to be reported to different beneficiaries like students,
parents and others.
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