Friday, 6 July 2018

Future trends in Curriculum

One of the aims of education is to prepare the individual for the future. Hence the
curriculum planner must bear in mind the future needs and assess the possibilitie$ of
cumculum development for the future. The cumculum planner has to address questions
like the role of education in society, influence of curriculum on the future of society
and participation at various levels for effective curriculum planning for the future.
Cumculum planning for the future is imperative Mause of demographic changes,
technological innovations, social changes and cultural hanges.
These changes have influenced the Indian society. Schools have to respond to the
changing socio-political pressures and hence curricula must equip the learners with
the basic skills such as understanding others, learning skills, continuing education,
participation in the economic world etc.

Impact of Information and Communication Technology
The world and our country as well is under the impact of information and communication
revolution. This has put severe demands on cumcula at all levels to keep learners
abreast of the latest developments on the one hand and to equip them with such skills
as will enable them to harness that information on the other. This will definitely change
the pattern of learning inputs and gear the curriculum to match the changing needs
and learner characteristics.

Distance Education
Distance education has emerged as an alternative to the formal face-to-face mode of
learning. This is in response to the increasing demand for continuing and lifelong
education. It is also here to supplement the formal system of imparting education.
Distance education curricula are focussed on learner needs, placed according to
learner's ability and flexible to accommodate the place and time of study ofthe learners.
The teachers prepare the instructional materials, both print and non-print to influence
learner behaviours. There is also provision for human interaction. Such a learning
mechanism is useful for the higlnly motivated learner and curricula encourage self-
 learning and self-activity.

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