Wednesday, 4 July 2018


INTRODUCTION Knowledge seems to be something we gain as we live. Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of particular aspects of reality. It is the clear, logical information gained through the process of reason applied to reality. The traditional approach is that knowledge requires three necessary and sufficient conditions, so that knowledge can then be defined as "justified, true and belief".
Every human being knows numerous things in his life, and numerous forms of thought and knowledge are expressed in one’s soul. There is no doubt that many kinds of human knowledge grow out of each other. Thus, in forming new knowledge, a human being is assisted by previous knowledge. The issue is to be able to put our finger on the primary threads of thought and on the common source of knowledge in general.
Knowledge is the initial point of philosophical discussions for the establishment of solid philosophy of the world and universe. One of the wide discussions is that which handles the sources and primary origins of knowledge through investigations, studies, and attempts to discover the primary principles of the powerful intellectual structure with which the human race is endowed.
Studying knowledge is something philosophers have been doing for as long as philosophy has been around. It’s one of the constant topics. Philosophy also strives to find the answer of question: what is the source that provides them with this stream of thought and knowledge?' But how do we gain it? This issue has an important history in the various stages of Greek, Islamic and European philosophy.


Empirical knowledge appears
to be built into the very nature of human experience. Thus, when individuals walk out of doors on
a spring day and see the beauty of the landscape, hear the song of a bird, feel the warm rays of
the sun, and smell the fragrance of the blossoms, they “know” that it is spring. Sensory knowing
for humans is immediate and universal, and in many ways forms the basis of much of human
The existence of sensory data cannot be denied. Most people accept it uncritically as
representing “reality.” The danger of naively embracing this approach is that data obtained from
the human senses have been demonstrated to be both incomplete and undependable. (For example,
most people have been confronted with the contradiction of seeing a stick that looks bent when
partially submerged in water but appears to be straight when examined in the air.) Fatigue,
frustration, and illness also distort and limit sensory perception. In addition, there are sound and
light waves that are inaudible and invisible to unaided human perception.
Humans have invented scientific instruments to extend the range of their senses, but it is
impossible to ascertain the exact dependability of these instruments since no one knows the total
effect of the human mind in recording, interpreting, and distorting sensual perception. Confidence
in these instruments is built upon speculative metaphysical theories whose validity has been
reinforced by experimentation in which predictions have been verified through the use of a
theoretical construct or hypothesis.
In summary, sensory knowledge is built upon assumptions that must be accepted by faith in
the dependability of human sensory mechanisms. The advantage of empirical knowledge is that
many sensory experiences and experiments are open to both replication and public examination.


A second influential source of knowledge throughout the span of human history has been
revelation. Revealed knowledge has been of prime importance in the field of religion. It differs
from all other sources of knowledge because it presupposes a transcendent supernatural reality
that breaks into the natural order. Christians believe that such revelation is God’s communication
concerning the divine will. Believers in supernatural revelation hold that this form of knowledge
has the distinct advantage of being an omniscient source of information that is not available
through other epistemological methods. The truth revealed through this source is believed by
Christians to be absolute and uncontaminated. On the other hand, it is generally realized that
distortion of revealed truth can occur in the process of human interpretation. Some people assert
that a major disadvantage of revealed knowledge is that it must be accepted by faith and cannot
be proved or disproved empirically.


A third source of human knowledge is authority. Authoritative knowledge is accepted as
true because it comes from experts or has been sanctified over time as tradition. In the classroom,
the most common source of information is some authority, such as a textbook, teacher, or
reference work. Accepting authority as a source of knowledge has its advantages as well as its
dangers. Civilization would certainly stagnate if people refused to accept any statement unless
they personally verified it through direct, firsthand experience. On the other hand, if authoritative
knowledge is built upon a foundation of incorrect assumptions, then such knowledge will surely
be distorted.


A fourth source of human knowledge is reason. The view that reasoning, thought, or logic
is the central factor in knowledge is known as rationalism. The rationalist, in emphasizing
humanity’s power of thought and the mind’s contributions to knowledge, is likely to claim that the
senses alone cannot provide universal, valid judgments that are consistent with one another.
From this perspective, the sensations and experiences humans obtain through their senses are
the raw material of knowledge. These sensations must be organized by the mind into a meaningful
system before they become knowledge. Rationalism in a less extreme form claims that people
have the power to know with certainty various truths about the universe that the senses alone
cannot give. In its more extreme form, rationalism claims that humans are capable of arriving at
irrefutable knowledge independently of sensory experience. Formal logic is a tool used by
rationalists. Systems of logic have the advantage of possessing internal consistency, but they risk
being disconnected from the external world. Systems of thought based upon logic are only as
valid as the premises upon which they are built.


A fifth source of knowledge is intuition- the direct apprehension of knowledge that is not
derived from conscious reasoning or immediate sense perception. In the literature dealing with
intuition, one often finds such expressions as “immediate feeling of certainty.” Intuition occurs
beneath the threshold of consciousness and is often experienced as a sudden flash of insight. In
tuition has been claimed under varying circum - stances as a source of both religious and secular
knowledge. Certainly many scientific breakthroughs have been initiated by intuitive hunches that
were confirmed by experimentation.

The weakness or danger of intuition is that it does not appear to be a safe method of
obtaining knowledge when used alone. It goes astray very easily and may lead to absurd claims
unless it is controlled by or checked against other methods of knowing. Intuitive knowledge,
however, has the distinct advantage of being able to bypass the limitations of human experience.
At this juncture, it should be noted that no one source of information is capable of supplying
people with all knowledge. The various sources should be seen as complementary rather than
antagonistic. It is true, however, that most people choose one source as being more basic than,
or preferable to, the others. That most basic source is then used as a benchmark for testing other
sources of knowledge. For example, in the contemporary world, knowledge obtained empirically
is generally seen as the most basic and reliable type.

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The word philosophy is derived from the Greek words philia (Loving) and sophia (Wisdom) and means" the love of wisdom".Philosophy...